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Leah's kids exists to help orphans, widows and the poor in Guatemala. In developing countries like Guatemala, there are no government programs to help those who can't find work or are unable to work. These people are faced with horrible decisions every day to sell themselves or their children for money for food, begging on the streets, living in garbage dumps to rummage for food and recyclables they hope to sell for a little bit of money. Sometimes family can help but most in Guatemala are struggling to survive themselves which makes it difficult to take on other children or family members. We help people who can't help themselves to change their way of thinking, break the cycle of poverty, and help others while serving God.

Why we are passionate about

the people of Guatemala

James 1:27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

© 2018 by Jodie Larson Proudly created with

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46031 239th St., Wentworth, SD 57075

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